News for the New Year!

News for the New Year!

With the new Year, we have decided to propose innovative events, which we are accurately preparing since few months. The month of January will be a month of “rest”, to concentrate our energies in the realization of the events of 2019.

We don’t want to keep you hanging, so here’s some anticipation…

Thanks to the success between Members and Sympathizers, we decided to repeat the Passeggiate nel Liberty di Viareggio, in the month of February. A fantastic occasion to spend time together, with the aim of sharing and discovery of unusual corners of Viareggio.

We have reached the fifth Edition of Carnival Gran Ballo Storico, that will be held on Saturday, 2th March:  che in questi ultimi anni ha rivisitato varie epoche, e sabato 2 marzo, we are waiting for you to spend together an exciting evening that will take us back in time, with ladies and knights games and… soon, we will share with you the program of the event.

Moreover, we are organizing un event that represents a novelty, both for us and for Versilia: an Exhibit dedicated to high quality craftsmanship, which will take place in a wonderful location…

We hope that these news will intrigue you, giving a boost to you to come back to our events or to meet for the first time. As always, we try to go ahead with our intent to enhance and make you know more and more our territory, enriching it with our proposals.


… to be continued.